accommodation ireland


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Coronavirus in Ireland

Please find up-to-date information here:
Latest Government travel advice
5-stage-plan for living with Covid
Travelling to Ireland
Public Health Advice/Testing & Tracing
RTE News
Travelling to Northern Ireland

All the accommodation listed in this directory is open on a limited basis and subject to government regulation and HSE guidelines.

Cleaning - Welcoming - Caring

We take the utmost care to ensure your stay with us is safe, clean and comfortable.

Our measures in the B&Bs include:

- Rigorous cleaning and sanitisation of guest rooms.
- Frequent sanitisation of high-contact points, such as door handles, TV remote controls, reception counters and rooms, especially bathrooms.
- Provision of Hand sanitation.
- Subject to availability, Infrared thermometers, Face masks and gloves for our guests.
- Spacing of guests in the breakfast and common rooms in accordance with WHO and HSE guidelines.
- We conduct daily meetings with our employees to review any relevant situation and to advise them on appropriate measures to observe.

The hosts/housekeepers of your self catering accommodation are committed to

- rigorously clean and sanitise the house/apartment before you move in. This inludes the sanitisation of high-contact points, such as door handles, TV remote controls, WiFi devices and Bins.
- Subject to availability, Hand sanitizers, Face masks and gloves are provided

We welcome our guests with the same warmth and hospitality we have always done. While the COVID-19 outbreak is a precipitously changing and fluid situation, we are committed to keeping you informed and to care for you.
We look forward to welcoming you!

Keep in mind:

- Wash your hands properly and often
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
- Put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Avoid close contact with people who are not well
- Keep your "social distance" to others

- Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.

HSE Helpline 1850 24 1850 or 00353 41 6850300

Daily 8-8, Saturday & Sunday 10-5